(click for bigger picture)

In New Zealand we fish a little differently. There are no ‘pegs’, no camouflage and no carp. We pretty much want to eat what we catch, so unless there are some Kawai or groper around, we are after snapper.

(click for bigger picture)

When at a friend’s wedding up in the Corromandel, we took their boat out a couple of times. These days are usually spent looking for secret spots in the middle of nowhere where somebody’s cousin’s brother caught a 25-pounder. As you can guess there are a few beers downed and a few stories told.

On these days we didn’t have any problem finding fish, just bouncing your line off the bottom would result in a bite, but generally they were undersized. We only kept about a quarter of all the fish we actually caught, which was still enough to feed the 10 or so adults we had back at base.

Netted: a whole school of Australian Salmon (click for bigger picture)

When I spent the week over in Western Australia, we were on a small beach down the coast. Some guys had put a net out about 20 metres off shore and caught a whole school of what we thought were called Australian Salmon.

Mark with his ‘result’ (click for bigger picture)

They simply pulled the net into shore and then spent the next three hours throwing these fish on the back of utes. I reckon they had caught over 1000 fish in that simple movement. I spent a bit of time with a spinner, but in the end went and had a chat with the guys and they gave me a fish.

Not a bad result really for a five minute conversation!