SHROPSHIRE – Wednesday 12 & Thursday 13 May
KENT – Tuesday 15 & Wednesday 16 June

One-day Riverfly workshops are taking place in Montford Bridge, Shropshire on Wednesday 12 May and Thursday 13 May and near Canterbury, Kent on Tuesday 15 June and Wednesday 16 June. The workshops are designed to specifically cater for fly-fishermen, fishing organisations and individuals who are interested in learning the techniques of identifying and monitoring the fly-life on their local rivers.

Giving both a greater understanding to the fascinating life cycles of this diverse group attendees will learn how mayflies (up-winged flies), caddisflies (sedges) and stoneflies, so commonly used as lures, are beacons to the environmental quality of Britain’s rivers.

The workshops will demonstrate sampling and monitoring of riverflies from both the river and riverbank vegetation followed by practical sessions on identification guided by the tutors. A team consisting of mayfly expert and fly-fisherman Dr Cyril Bennett and the Organisers of the National Riverfly Recording Schemes will deliver the workshops. No prior knowledge is required.

To book a place in Shropshire or Kent contact Bridget Peacock at The Natural History Museum by telephone 0207 942 5932 or email b.peacock@nhm.ac.uk. Places, subsidised by the UK Biodiversity Programme at the Natural History Museum, are at a charge of £ 42 (Shropshire) or £ 35 (Kent) per person.

For more information on fishermen detecting pollution events by using the riverflies as the canary to their watercourses speak to Steve Brooks, riverfly expert at The Natural History Museum or Cyril Bennett, mayfly specialist at The John Spedan Lewis Trust for the Advancement of the Natural Sciences.

To contact Steve or Cyril, or to obtain pictures please call Becky Chetley in the Natural History Museum Press Office on 020 7942 5106 or email press@nhm.ac.uk.