The NFA have recently launched a new web site that will be more interactive, and will include an online magazine, up-to-date news and goods for sale.

FISHINGmagic have often wondered why our sport’s so-called governing body had a web site that was antiquated and hardly ever kept up to date.

Now at last it looks like they are coming outside the gates of Jurassic Park and, who knows, they may start to realise that there is a lot going on in the world of angling other than match fishing.

Maybe they will begin to offer us news that is a little more far-reaching than the usual match results and keep us more informed about what they’re up to, when they’re up to it, and why.

Perhaps then they will begin to expand their horizons and become the real governing body that we so desperately need. A powerful governing body that can fend off the anti-angling lobby that have been more professionally organised than we have for years.

The new web site is still under construction, with few of the links actually going anywhere, but at least it looks like the NFA are at last making some effort to make a realistic move into the 21st century.