Online Everywhere Products
Price: Solar panels start at £ 15.00, torches from £ 15.00, radios from £ 14.00

These days everything seems to ruin some part of the environment, and as anglers spend as much time as we can in the countryside we should try to help as much as possible to save our heritage from becoming ruined.

One such way is the obvious removal of our rubbish as this can cause all sorts of troubles. Another way is to use products which are solar-powered, such as the products from Online Everywhere. These products not only help to save our environment, which is great, they also save you money on batteries, and thus save people leaving discarded batteries anywhere they shouldn’t.

Firstly the torch. This is a brilliant product which not only works well and is totally waterproof, (as it can even be used underwater), it doesn’t even need batteries. I leave my torch on the kitchen window ledge, where the sun shines on it, whenever it comes out, and then use it when I need it and it hasn’t let me down yet. You can place rechargeable batteries in the torch, as you can with the radios, and this will allow for longer use, as the sun will charge these batteries and then you will have a lot longer life of the product.

The two radios, which are pictured above, are both similar in how they are powered to the torch but they will need the rechargeable batteries in them to keep them working. One of them has a very useful little torch on one end and a hazard flasher on the other. These are also left on a sunny window ledge to keep them topped up with power and you will no longer need any mains electricity with your portable radios.

Lastly, an innovative product and a great device, a solar panel which folds up to half its size when not in use. Now this panel is amazing. You can use it in various ways such as to power a portable 12-volt appliance or to power two 6-volt ones. You could even charge a 6 volt battery and run another 6 volt appliance with it at the same time. The solar panel comes with all the necessary connectors and adapters to allow you to use it with a variety of products. For example you could watch your portable TV without needing to take a car battery with you. This can be used with most six or twelve volt appliances and the weight it saves you carrying around is a great reason, as well as the environment issues, to get one.

These charging systems should not however be used with non-chargeable batteries in them as this could wreck not only the batteries but also the appliance in which they are placed.

All in all these solar products are not only a great idea, which will save you money on batteries, but they will also help our environment by us not needing to throw away our worn out batteries.

Andy Dixon is editor of