National Committee

Chairman: John Synnuck
President and Pikelines Editor: Dilip Sarkar
General Secretary: Alan Dudhill
Joint Membership Secs: Brian Birdsall & John Keeley
Advertising Manager: Chris Liebbrandt
Products Manager: Mark Skinner
Convention Manager: Colin Goodge
Events Manager: Pete Foster
Webmaster: Mike Skipper
Press Officer: Dominic Garnett
Treasurer: Giles Hill


Non-Committee roles

PAC Angling Development Officer: Eric Edwards

Team Pikelines

Editor: Dilip Sarkar
Design & Production Manager: Steve Ormrod
Advertising Manager: Chris Liebbrandt
Editorial Assistant: Roger Howes
Press & News: Dominic Garnett and Dan Williams
PAC Photographer: Tom Balaam
Young Pikers: James Sarkar

The new Internet Team is to be announced at a later date.