The Reverend Stewart Bloor is an ordained Minister and Director of the Sedgley International Christian Ministries. He is also a very keen angler, having come back to the sport four years ago following a break of several years. In this regular column he will tell us about his progress as an angler – His thoughts about the sport, what he learns, the fishing trips he makes, the anguish, the humour, in fact everything he experiences as his angling career develops.

A beautiful summers day and I’m heading up the A38 for a first visit to the River Dove. It was a good job I gave myself plenty of time, because once off the main road I got a bit lost. A thirty five mile journey became fifty, but as no-one had given me directions, therefore there was no-one to blame but myself, I didn’t make too much of a big deal! However, upon arriving at the water, all the frustration was gone. Is it just me, or is there a soothing quality about water, particularly the running variety?

An empty car park is always a welcome sign, so heading across the meadows to my chosen area I was optimistic. I had been put onto the area by none other than the Dove maestro himself, a certain Graham Marsden! I couldn’t go wrong, could I? The swim itself was a cattle drink and is apparently a hot spot. It certainly was for cattle, I soon found myself surrounded by a herd of cows and the odd sheep thrown in for good measure. The river was looking good, but then when you see life through rosy coloured glasses like I do, every river always looks good. Even when it’s twelve feet up and flowing like an express train!

Mind, there was one dark cloud on the horizon. A cormorant flew overhead at one point. Although I’m an ordained Minister I’m afraid I’m not in the ‘All things bright and beautiful’ gang. Say no more.

One thing about barbel fishing I have learned is this – don’t fish too light. Most of my barbel fishing has been done on the Worcestershire Teme, and do those fish fight! They also intimately know every snag in the river and immediately upon hooking one that’s where it heads for. The reputation of the Dove barbel was just as deserved, I had heard, so I fished the same way as I do the Teme. I’ve been fishing braid for some time now, so 14lb mainline to 10lb Dacron hooklength tied with a knotless knot to a hair rig was the attack plan as far as tackle was concerned. Due to the low river and not too much flow, a