Price: £ 39.95

As a lad with oodles and oodles of energy you’d normally have found me running around like a headless chicken. But now with my teens firmly behind me, my twenty’s situated firmly in my rear view mirror and now succumbing to my mid thirties, I aint got the energy I once had. Add to that some serious back surgery some eight years ago and you’ve now got an eighteen stone unfit git suffering with occasional back pain.

Add the above to a three day session, then comfort is set firmly in my sights. As a rule the first night on the bank is always a restless one for me, more based on varying discomfort than excitement I’m afraid to say. The next couple of nights seem to pass quite smoothly based on feeling knackered!

To relieve back trouble, I’d resorted to doubling up a king-size quilt and placing it on the bed chair as a mattress, but with the thought of carrying this to my swim every time, in addition to my sleeping bag, was a royal pain in the ass.

On this basis, it was time to look at new ways in which to rest comfortably on the bankside without the need to bring along everything bar the kitchen sink. I’d looked at foam mats, which for me didn’t quite fit the bill. Eventually, I came across a little life saver called a ‘Self Inflating Mat’.

The mat in question suits all my needs, it’s the perfect size for my bedchair and offers up all the comfort required for long sessions. It rolls away into nothing so was easy to carry too. The first time you unravel it you need to blow air into the valve to loosen the inside. After that, you just unroll it, open the valve and within a few minutes it sucks air in on its own and inflates itself. You close the valve and you’re away.

For me this was the perfect answer to all my prayers. Once you’ve set up your rods and put up your bivvy, you just unfold your bedchair and chuck the mat on top with the valve open, return a couple of minutes later, close the valve and bingo, your away!


Although they are not cheap, retailing at around £ 40, for me that’s money well spent. In my book, you can’t put a price tag on comfort! You can purchase these from any good camping store. I bought mine online at, but many good camping websites stock them.

So for all the ‘old gits’ who frequent this website and suffer nagging sleep conditions, this product has the definite thumbs up from me!