Energizer x3 LED Headlight

Energizer x3 LED Headlight

  • Runs for 50 hours on 3 AAA cells
  • Super-bright LED beam
  • Red LED option
  • £ 9.99 or less


You can upset a lot of people very quickly night fishing with too bright a lamp, not to mention upsetting the fish.

Problem is, the little torch that’s perfect for baiting up or tying a hook is too dim for netting a fish.

Enter this natty little headlight, which sports a red LED to give a subdued but useful light, and two powerful LEDs to do everything else.

You quickly notice that using a bright, white light then switching it off plunges you into a complete blackness for a few minutes until you get your night sight back. The red LED prevents this happening.

It runs for half a season on one set of three AAA pencells, and is tiny enough to slip into your pocket if you don’t fancy looking like an alien coal miner all night.

The headband is adjustable, however, if you feel temple strangulation coming on.

My only minor concern is that the sliding switch has a very ‘soft’ action and it could get knocked into action if left to bash around in the bottom of a tackle bag. But for £ 9.99 or less it’s a nifty bit of kit.

Available in Wilkinsons and Argos, among other High Street shops.

Mark William’s Verdict

It’s tough, compact and the batteries last ages. Perfect for hands-free light without eyestrain.