Richworth Linear waters close due to bacterial infection

Richworth Linear Fisheries Oxford announces that due to a bacterial infection that is affecting the carp on some of their waters they will be closing Brasenose One, Brasenose Two and Hardwick & Smiths Pool from 7 p.m. Sunday June 8th.

Initially this will be for a period of one month and will only be extended if there are no improvements.

This action has been taken to rest the water and to treat any infected fish. A specialist has diagnosed this infection which can almost certainly be attributed to last summers floods and she is prescribing an antibiotic treatment to combat the problem.

Since the floods several of the other day ticket lakes have been affected in the same way but on a much smaller scale. The signs are that the carp in these lakes are now over the infection and although some are still carrying the scars all appear to be in very good condition.

Linear are aware that this closure will cause disappointment and apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but they believe that the welfare of their fish is paramount and as a responsible fishery must take these steps to safeguard them.

On a brighter side Linear aim to re-open their Oxlease Lake by the end of this month. Initial fish-ins on this water have been very productive and so far eight different thirties and good numbers of back-up fish have been caught. Numbers of fish on Oxlease will obviously be down in relation to the pre-flood period but Linear believe the water contains more than enough carp to still make this a very viable water.

The opening date will be published on the Linear website along with photographs and details of fish caught recently.

Len Gurd – Fishery Manager