As last weekend’s flood waters started to recede a number of fish became stranded on the flood plain of the Trent at Shelford. After receiving the initial report from a local farmer the Environment Agency fisheries team arranged for a team of officers to attend the site. Using nets and electric fishing equipment they were able to catch the fish that were trapped in the pools and move them back to the safety of the river.

About 50 fish, the majority of which were carp, were recovered, with individual fish weighing up to 25lb.

Matt Buck, Fisheries Technical Officer from the Environment Agency said:

“Being notified about the stranded fish at an early stage meant we were able to take action quickly and get a lot of fish that were in danger back into the river before the pools they were stranded in receded completely.

The fish ended up in these pools as they would have been exploring the floodplain looking for suitable areas to spawn and due to receding river levels they became trapped.”