Labour’s Parliamentary Spokesman for Angling, Martin Salter MP, has published the paper ‘The Governance Of Angling – Raising Our Game’ (below) setting out the case for a stronger and more professional national body to speak up for angling.

He has also suggested that one way of raising funds would be through a £ 1 voluntary levy on the rod licence and is asking for anglers to contact him with their views.

Martin Salter said:

“There are a number of ways to raise funds and a voluntary levy on the rod licence, of say £ 1, is one option worthy of consideration. I want to know what anglers think which is why I am encouraging this debate. Please email me your views to A full copy of this paper is also available on my website”

The Governance Of Angling – Raising Our Game

A Paper by Martin Salter, MP

Some thoughts:

For a long time I have believed that angling in this country needs a strong and powerful voice to speak up on the issues that affect our sport. I also want to see a more professional approach to the structure and governance of angling to enable Britain’s most popular participant sport to properly punch its weight. At the moment we are the poor relations when compared to countries such as France, Holland or America.

However, all of this will cost money and it is high time that we had a thorough debate within angling on how we raise sufficient funds to pay for the services we need. Currently we have just a handful of paid staff working for organisations such as the N.F.A, S&T.A, N.F.S.A, A.C.A and the umbrella body, F.A.C.T. Just take a look at the equivalent body for shooting, B.A.S.C which has nearly 100 paid staff looking after the interests of less than one million shooters in Britain.

How on earth can we compete with the likes of the R.S.P.B or the British Canoe Union on issues such as cormorant predations or river access if we haven’t got the people or resources to properly make the case to the government, the media and the public at large?

Last month I organised an important stakeholders meeting with DEFRA on the subject of KHV and was struck by how many of angling’s representatives sat round the table were volunteers taking the day off work and travelling to London at their own expense. This is simply ridiculous for a sport that claims 3.5 million participants.

I’ve set out some of the work that could benefit from an increased funding stream. This is not an exhaustive list and I would welcome other suggestions.

What could be achieved:

  • A single powerful voice with the Government, Parliament, the Environment Agency, NGOs and other stakeholders
  • Positive recognition of the fact that 3.5 million people enjoy recreational fishing and its contribution to a social and healthy lifestyle
  • Positive recognition of the £ 3.5 billion contribution angling makes to the English and Welsh economy each year and how this could grow with a more professional approach to its development
  • Professional advice on accessing funding opportunities for angling projects
  • Efficient use of the funding which goes into angling representation, enabling the creation of a thoroughly professional influencing organization
  • An improved aquatic environment; what is good for fish is also good for other life forms
  • Stronger leadership and accountability within angling and fisheries
  • Promotion of angling and fisheries
  • Professional support for angling organisations
  • Legal advice

It is perfectly true to state that as yet there are no plans to introduce a levy, either voluntary or compulsory. There are also a range of practical issues that need addressing, including the role of existing angling governing bodies, legal status, and lines of accountability.

However, I firmly believe that the time is right to ask these questions and find out what anglers really think. Are they prepared to pay less than the cost of half a pint of maggots to help improve the prospects for their sport? Let’s have the debate.

Martin Salter MP