MacNab Media’s very own technical wizard, Colin Bradshaw, proved he knows a thing or two about salmon with a fantastic catch of an estimated 28lb cock Atlantic Salmon taken during a trip to the Malselva River near Troms in Norway and made the local news headlines in the process!Making the local headlines

Colin has been in touch with our sister site, Fish&Fly, and a full trip report will be posted there later but below is his brief summary of a catch that has already generated a lot of local interest in Norway:

“In brief six of us fished the majestic Malselva River, Troms yesterday. I took a fine fish while fishing the beautiful Boatstoa Pool. Within minutes of being hooked the guide notified local journalists who then turned up at lunchtime! The salmon was magnificently shaped with broad spotted shoulders and fought very strongly. Estimated at 27-28lb the fish took a small fly with a black 4.5 cm wing and bright green body. The cock salmon was returned safely.”