There isn’t much you can do to make a disgorger better, or at least better at doing the job. You can make them out of better quality materials instead of the standard plastic. That way they’ll last longer. But you won’t be very happy the next time you drop one in the water, or in the grass, which is something most of us do quite often, and then can’t find it. Because it would then cost you a lot more to replace it.

So the only way to make a better disgorger is make the inexpensive plastic ones better at doing the job. Which is what Standard Plus have done. They’ve taken a standard disgorger and made it more efficient. And they’ve done it without adding all kinds of fiddly bits to it that in the long run add up to trouble.

No, what they’ve done is ensure that when you slide the disgorger down the line to locate the hook, it actually stays on the line, which makes a nice change from standard disgorgers that seem to have a mind of their own. Okay, we got round it to some extent by twisting the line around the disgorger, but that wasn’t a good thing to do to a fine hooklength because the line remembered the twist and didn’t do bait presentation a lot of good.

I like them, they’re simple to use, do a good job and won’t break the bank at 99p each. There are two in the range to deal with most hook sizes.