Reports in suggest that despite spring showers, Temple’s big carp are on the move with 23 thirties reported so far along with 52 twenties which, given the fact that it is still early April, is amazing fishing!

With six fish so far topping the magical 35lb mark from the Dorking, Surrey complex Alex Windle-Hills stunning 38lb 4oz mirror tops the list of big fish closely followed by David Hopkins much sort after Ghost weighing 38lb. John Carson and Mark Chandler both caught mirrors weighing 37lb 4oz whilst Jody Derbyshire caught a stunning mirror weighing 37lb 2oz, Mark Simmond’s caught a 36lb 10oz mirror and Gez Schifano caught a 35lb 2oz mirror as part of a three fish haul.

The first few days of April have seen a huge increase in action with a string of anglers reporting multi catches with a good few thirties mixed in including Mark Chandler, pictured here, who caught a stunning brace of thirties during his recent visit, both mirrors, weighing in at 37lb 4oz and 33lb.

37lb 4oz33lb