More Silt – Walter Letters




June 30th 1964

Dear Mr. Walter,
Only been back a week of so from the trip to Tring. It took me just four days to cycle back, but just having the opportunity to see you made the blisters well worthwhile. What a surprise and treat for me at Tring when the Naylor brothers and cousins turned up to fish with us, bit of a squeeze getting all of them in the boat, and I’m afraid I had difficulty in rowing the lot of us around very quickly, but it didn’t seem to spoil the day.

Anyway, think I made up for it when we stopped for lunch, as I could whiz down to the pub and get a couple of crates of light ale and a load of pork pies in the front basket of the bike, so we could have a picnic on the bank. No beer for me, of course, as I had to set off for home that evening, but I did manage to drink nearly a whole bottle of dandelion and burdock to myself. Pity we didn’t manage to catch any fish, but as you said, perhaps two hundredweight of breadcrumbs wasn’t enough, I will make sure I bring more next time.

All too soon the day was over, and we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. Well, I went one way and you and the Naylors went off together in the opposite direction, but I expect you had to talk about tactics or something. And thanks for letting me take all the empty bottles back to the pub, the 3d each I got back for each of them certainly went a long way towards the money I had spent earlier on the beer and pies.

Yours, etc

Don Silt

July 15th

Dear Mr. Walter,
As you said when we last met, the Avington experiment seems to be coming along nicely, and as I was getting up early to do the bread deliveries, I found I could manage to fit in a paper round in the mornings too, so financing the trips will be no problem now. I am so pleased that one of the flies I tied for you seems to be working, at last! And I heartily agree that if this is to be made available commercially, (after quite a few more field trials) its appeal can only be increased if a famous and respected angler such as yourself endorses it. The Rick Walter Maybug would prove to be far more successful than anything named after me. I’m just pleased to be able to have helped you with this project – makes it all worthwhile just knowing I am playing a small part in your success.

Yours, etc

Don Silt

July 29th

Dear Mr. Walter,
Started preparations for research into the book about halibut that you have asked me to write. What a task, I can only hope I am up to the challenge you have set me. With regards to tackle, I remember you said something about talking to a manufacturer and getting them to supply you with free kit in return for putting in a good word for them when you get something published. With that in mind and taking note of all the gear you and the Naylor’s and that Jed Buller are given, I tried to get hold of the company you use. It appears I must have heard things wrong, as there is no such person as Ann Wick at Hardly’s, but there is a company called Hardly’s at a place called Alnwick and I eventually got though to someone there on the telephone.

I explained who I was, what I was intending to do, and that I was an acquaintance of the great Mr Rick Walter. The reason for my call was that I would like to offer them the opportunity of supplying me, free of charge, a selection of rods to be known as the ‘Hardly Don Silt Halibut Haulers’, which would receive great publicity when my book came to be published.

Halfway through my conversation, it became apparent that something strange was going on at Hardly’s. The gentleman I was talking to asked me to hold on whilst he consulted with his colleagues, and in the background I could hear muffled voices, and then what seemed like people both laughing and crying. When the gentleman returned to my call, he himself seemed short of breath, and his voice sounded very emotional. In fact, he could hardly speak, but he did manage to tell me that they welcomed my interest in their company, thought the idea for the book was novel and that they would get back to me straight away.

I was going to blame the postman for not yet getting any reply, but I remember that the gentleman I spoke to at Hardly’s didn’t ask for my details, probably too distracted by what was going on in the background at the time. I will ring him again, though it appears that the gentleman I spoke to didn’t give me his name either, I will just have to give them my ‘pitch’ all over again, never mind. Plenty of time before the halibut season starts, apparently, and still lots of research to do

Yours, etc

Don Silt


Kevin Perkins is one of those anglers who sees the funny side of everything, and there are plenty of funny goings-on in fishing. But not everybody is able to convey the funny and often quirky nature of fishing. But Kevin can. He’s the Alternative Angler who sees that side of things that most of us miss because we’re too busy going about the serious business of catching fish and often missing the satire and laughs along the way.

Never mind smelling the flowers, don’t forget to take time out to see the satirical side of fishing life and grab a laugh along the way as well. So here’s a regular column from Kevin Perkins to remind us that life is for laughing at, or taking the p*** out of, whenever we can.