By Kevin Perkins writing as Herbert Henshall
Price: £ 5.95 inc P&P

This won’t be a fair, unbiased review, so bear that in mind before you buy the book. How can I be anything other than biased? After all, as editor of FISHINGmagic I’ve published the stories about Donald and Damien on this website, and encouraged Kevin to write as many ‘episodes’ as possible. I’m hardly going to do that if I don’t think the stories will be interesting to our visitors am I? Furthermore, Kevin also writes the weekly ‘Alternative Angler’ column on FM, which is mixture of humour, satire and comment.

‘The Early Adventures of Donald Effingham-Mudde & Damien’ booklet is a collection of the stories about ancient old Donald, he of the Dick Walker and Taylor brothers era (cane rods and centre-pin reels) and his nephew Damien, the ultimate Tackle Tart and young go-faster whiz kid. It’s about bitter rivalry but without the usual venom, a war between ancient and modern, old and young, but with that essential humour and love (although very deeply buried!) the pair have for each other.

The antics they get up to just to outdo each other are absurd, with young Damien hatching cunning plans to get one over on old Donald, but Donald always seeming to have some card up his sleeve to thwart the plot.

Many anglers have a keen sense of humour but few can convey that humour via the written word. But Kevin Perkins can. He has that rare gift, and it’s a gift that should be encouraged, which is why I’m always pleased to publish his work.

You too can encourage him by buying one of these booklets, and at a mere £ 5.95, including postage, it’ll be something you can always turn to in those cold winter months, something to cheer you up on those days when you can’t go fishing and you’re in the doldrums.

Kevin will number the first 200 and sign every single copy (as Herbert Henshall).

Payment by cheque or postal order, made out to Kevin Perkins and mailed to:

Kevin Perkins
2 Angora Close
Shenley Brook End
Milton Keynes

The latest adventure of the irascible pair can be found here