There are several advantages to this rig. Firstly, because the bait is attached to the sliding ring, when the bait is ejected it should travel down the loop and leave the hook to drop into the lower lip.

The Sliding D-Rig
This can only be achieved with a stiff material, as softer materials would collapse as the bait is forced out and the ring would not slide.

Secondly, because it is constructed from a stiff material then it allows the bait to fall away from the lead when it settles on the lake bed, almost guaranteeing a tangle free presentation laid out neatly away from your line and lead.


  1. Step one – Initially tie your rig as per the knotless knot, but instead of leaving a hair with a loop in the end, just leave a straight length of line. I whip mine quite a way down, so that the ring can travel further.

    Step 1
  • Step two – Slide a ring onto the length of line and push the end through the eye of the hook.

    Step 2
  • Step three – Make sure that the loop is the correct size and trim off the line that has been passed through the eye.
  • Step four – To stop the trimmed line from falling back through the eye, place the end of a lit cigarette, or a lighter, carefully, onto the end of the line and dab with a wet fingertip to create a blob.

    Step 4
  • Step five – Attach a looped swivel to the end or create hinged rigs with looped swivels part way down the rig body; this allows the rig greater rotation and movement and offsets the inherent stiffness of the material.

    Step 5