John Whitmore, of Cooper Avenue, Warrington pleaded guilty at Ormskirk Magistrates Court to three offences relating to a large amount of waste illegally dumped on a track off College Road, Up Holland.

The waste, from a household clearance, was discovered on August 3 last year by West Lancashire Borough Council officers and was traced back to a property in Warrington.

It was discovered that the occupier of this property had paid Mr Whitmore, who was operating a company, JW Removals, to remove this waste.

In court on April 4 Mr Whitmore pleaded guilty to fly-tipping. He also pleaded guilty to failing to provide waste transfer notes for the removal of this waste and failing to provide information to the council.

He was ordered to pay a fine of £1,384, costs of £651.92 and a victim surcharge of £105 totalling £2,140.92.

Meanwhile, West Lancs Council is reminding all householders that they need to make sure any waste that they have removed is disposed of legally.

Anyone removing waste as part of a business must have a waste carriers’ licence and give waste transfer notes to whomever they take waste from. Householders can check if anyone who removes waste from them has a waste carriers’ licence by contacting the Environment Agency on 03708 506506 or online at

Dave Tilleray, who heads up the council’s environmental enforcement team, said: “The council takes a hard line approach on these matters and demonstrates the commitment of the environmental enforcement team to take action against offenders wherever possible.”