The day is nearly upon us and may I wish you all the best river season ever.I can honestly say that I am as excited today as I have ever been about thestart of the new season and long may it continue!

I’ve seen the quarry, but they haven’t seen me. They were hiding under abramble bush, two more under the steamer weed.

They hardly moved save for a slight sway to compensate for a strong and lone current. Their streamlined bodies hugged the gravel as they enjoyed the force of the water as it lapped over their strong and powerful heads.

Their friends were there also. Mr Chub and family were pushing upstream only to allow themselves a free ride on the current as it brought them back to their starting point, taking the odd hatch here and there.

Me, I just stared longingly into the river like a child, totally mesmerised by the patterns of fish, current and streamer weed gracefully in tune with their environment.

Although still some days before the 16th June, I could hear in my mind the carefully placed plop of a bait entering the quarry’s domain and my senses heightening at the thought of playing my first barbel of the river season.

Unlike some of the other rivers which we have come to know as barbel rivers, these fish are the true stars from where many other rivers populations have been sourced. It is of course, Old Father Thames as it meanders its way through unspoilt fields and countryside heading its way downstream and still several miles away from where humanity has forged its way by navigation.

It is as peaceful here now as it ever was and I will be there on the evening of the 16th.

Where in paradise will you be?

All the best

Paul Hiom