Jeff Woodhouse

Jeff caught his first fish at the age of five, a mackerel from a Torquay fishing boat. That was the starting point 53 years ago and the sight of that living silvery image coming up from the invisible depths had him hooked for life. Since then he has practised virtually every type of fishing, although not always successfully.

He doesn’t just like fish, he has a love affair with them, in his living room, in his garden and at times, in his freezer. Lately he has spent more time either running clubs or assisting them to become successful. Now he admits to being too old to chase monsters, he’s happier getting as much fun as possible out of what’s before him.

In this monthly series Jeff indulges the rebel within himself, trying to think differently about the usual trends in fishing.

Spot the difference


Spot the difference between the two weights on the left and the two weights on the right. I would think that all of these leads would cast about the same and hold bottom about the same and to a fish wouldn’t make any difference at all. They wouldn’t make any difference to you either except when it comes to losing them on snags.

The two on the left are shop bought weights and cost me £ 1.20 and £ 1.60 for their respective sizes. The weights on the right cost me just 65p or so from eBay shop ‘Frank’s Quality Fishing Weights’. There are some other differences that we’ll discuss, but first how I found them.

Many of you will know that I have started dabbling on eBay, selling a few bits and buying…. well, too much if you listen to my wife. Looking around the other night I found these weights on sale, they come in packs of 10 or 8 depending on their size, shape, and so on. They’re made by Frank Winnett who’s just down the A40 from me in Northolt, Middlesex.

The place where I fish we’re constantly losing weights and at well over £ 1 each you double curse when it happens. I shall still curse when I lose one of Frank’s because I don’t like to leave extraneous material on the river bed, but it happens. What I shall NOT do in future is worry too much about the cost.

A good selection

Ok, the differences. Frank’s weights are largely pear-drop shaped or flattened, but he’s now doing these gripper weights with the pimples on, like the old sea weights and I’m sure that in time, his range will extend further. You will notice, also, in the selection pictured that there are shiny finished weights and dull, matt finished weights, what he calls ‘textured’. Frank is now transferring all of his production over to the textured weights only. These, it can be argued, might not frighten carp as much in clear and shallow waters where fish are easily spooked. Do you agree with him or do you think he should continue to offer both?

His shop is on ebay at Frank’s Quality Fishing Weights if you want to have a look around. For the carp lads, he also does back leads and safety release clips. Have a look at his ‘Buy it Now’ selections, on these you don’t bid like the usual auction items, you simply buy them and they will be delivered. Or if you have any special requirements or want a different selection to those shown, why not give him a call on 07976 108749 or Email and don’t forget to mention!

Another contact I have made is with Trevor Salmon, who is also a moderator for, like A lot a pike anglers, especially those that like lure fishing (me included), like the short American rods, the baitcasters and short spinning rods. What Trevor does is to buy through bidding, quite openly, from dealers in the US who offer their stocks through eBay. It started off by him doing a few favours for friends and has now grown, but it’s still not his main line of work, just a hobby.

What cripples the likes of you and me buying stuff direct from the US is the shipping costs, around £ 18 plus insurance for a rod. What Trevor does is have an arrangement with one supplier over there who puts all of his successful bids on one side and when there’s enough ships it over here in bulk, thereby saving on the transportation costs. They can be last year’s sell-outs, but over here, they’re probably still in the catalogue and anyway, does that matter? The rods still work and still catch fish and they are all brand-new and never been used!

Trevor with his 22+plus pike (courtesy of Trevor Salmon)

What you get is not only an absolute bargain, but you get your hands on tackle that’s designed for the American market and their style of fishing. Now, the last time I tried to get my hands on an American baitcaster rod the sales rep for the manufacturer told me that they could supply a particular model. I asked my dealer to order one and he agreed to. Then I heard nothing for 4 weeks and when I asked again he said that the company didn’t sell them. Seems like it was too much trouble to go to for one of his regular customers.

You don’t get that with Trevor. You bid against the items he has, or keep your eyes on the ‘Buy it Now’ sales, and if you’re successful, you get it! I have bought two rods from him, a nice little 61/2 foot spinner and a 61/2 foot baitcaster, and two baitcaster reels. My friend has also bought a baitcaster rod from him and I have to say, delivery is almost immediate and the goods are absolutely spot on! I have to give them both a full exercising yet, but tried a few casts with the spinning rod and it really is nice to use.

You will hear some UK dealers banging on about grey (or gray if it’s American) imports ruining their livelihood, but these are rods that wouldn’t normally get sold in this country. Okay, some of the reels might, but it’s free enterprise and he does pay import tax! If tackle manufacturers want to stop this then all they have to do is charge prices that are fair and equal wherever you live in the world and stop stock dumping when there’s a new range due out (and now that’s my rant finished).

If you know how eBay works you can search for a sellers items, Trevor’s ID is ‘Deepinvader’ and that will get you to see his items presently for sale. Of course, all of these items have already been offered to members of so if you log on there and join up (it’s free!) you will be offered a chance to buy products when they first come into the country. And just as a last comment, Trevor seems to me to be one of the genuine traders on eBay and one that won’t mess you about or rip you off. I trust him and I know that one of our members, Chris Bishop, who many will know from his contributions on the forums, trusts him. They’re the best of mates!

So take a look around eBay some time, there are some good deals on there (as well as a few rip-offs, so watch it!). Never bid more than you can afford or more than it’s really worth. I’ve done alright and ‘er indoors thinks the stock of rods in the bedroom cupboard is finally going down after much nagging. Little does she know.

PS. Since first writing this I have bought a lovely Abu Suveran feeder rod. List is £ 184 and the best discounted price I found was £ 145, but on Ebay I won it on a bid for – £ 98.05 and it’s brand new. The real beauty of the rod is – it has triple-leg rings right up to the quiver and as those of you who know me will know, I love ’em.