Anyone can comment on the ‘Working Together’ consultation document published by the South West Region of the Environment Agency that aims to improve the health of water bodies for the benefit of communities, businesses and wildlife across the region.

The water environment includes river catchments, stillwaters such as lakes, canals and ponds and groundwater.

The South West has its own river basin management plan that needs to be updated by 2015 along with plans from the other regions in England and Wales under the Water Framework Directive Regulations 2003. The ‘Working Together’ consultation can be found HERE

Speaking for the Environment Agency Jeremy Bailey said:

“This consultation is important because it gives anyone with an interest in the water environment an opportunity to comment and help develop an ambitious and sustainable river basin plan for the South West. We are keen to involve people as much as possible in the planning process.”

The formal closing date for consultation is 22 December 2012, but the EA would like people to submit their comments as soon as possible.

A comment form  is available online or alternatively, email the Environment Agency at or contact them in writing to: Jeremy Bailey, Environment Agency, Manley House, Kestrel Way, Exeter EX2 7LQ.