As we reach the start of the year
I will greet it with good cheer
March looms large
And then I’m in charge
I have a list of jobs to clear

Why wait till March, I hear you cry
I am a fishing widow, I sigh
And that’s when the house gets done
I tell you it’s not much fun
The kitchen is lost when there are hooks to tie

Is there anyone out there?
Who understands my despair?
Fishing this, Angling that
I’m tired of being treated like a doormat
What a nightmare!

He goes to fishing meetings
And sends lots of fishy greetings
To all his mates on FISHINGmagic
If they’re all as bad as him, it’s tragic
What is it with this fishing whim?

This is all a bit tongue in cheek
But I feel I have to speak
Fishing widows of the world unite
Let our men know of our plight
It’s more of their company we seek

We do love you dearly
But please see it more clearly
Make a resolution
That is the solution
Please put us first – really!