The Dark Art

When I was young the tench was a much-desired fish, rarely caught, and uncommon in my locale. The odd capture to come our way would be talked about for weeks after the event and - like carp - they were considered a mysterious and rare species.

Wendy’s All Of A Lather

Wendy Turner shares a bath with MP to cool off her tantrums about Scottish fish farming

Defra Publishes Legal Opinion on Canoeists’ ‘Unconvincing’ Access Claims

After long-running correspondence and a formal complaint from Fish Legal, Defra has now published its legal opinion confirming that there is no general Public Right of Navigation (PRN) on non-tidal rivers or other inland waters in England and Wales.

Geoff Hadley Takes Top Spot in ‘Fly for Coarse’ Competition

The 2013 'Fly for Coarse' competition threw up a real variety of entries, but it was the brilliant and unorthodox capture of a river bream which really fired the imaginations of the panel, which included Matt Hayes and John Bailey.

New ‘Right to Roam’ Plan a Worry to Anglers

MP's propose to open up rivers to walkers, canoeists and cyclists.

Lure Fishing with Robbie Northman #22

Bass at Extreme Range Alongside summer chub I’ve been back out targeting bass. However, despite amazing clarity, a...

King of Clubs

Lee Klimczuk becomes £3000 richer after winning one of Ireland's biggest matches.

Pike Anglers Club campaign to save Lough Beg

PAC members are meeting the Countryside Alliance and Friends of the Earth for talks as they compile a dossier to lobby ministers.

EA Investigates 36,000 Fish Deaths

EA experts trying to trace the source of pollution which has killed more than 36,000 fish in Lancashire river.

Be the village hero – in Laos!

Help the inhabitants of a remote Laotian village by buying some handmade fish art - seems like a good deal to me!
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