The Tench Timetable 00:01

The great advance made this century for tench fanatics is that we are now allowed to fish for them before the traditional...

Lure Fishing with Robbie Northman #3

Hard vs Soft Lures A GREAT RUN OF SESSIONS The balance between hard and soft...

Dave Coster’s Fishing Diary – February

TOUGH CUT After the first tricky match on the Grantham Canal back in January,...

Lure Fishing with Robbie Northman #27

Topwater Perch After exploring new venues on my road trip, and now back home, the urge to explore...

Passion For Barbel… The Winter Wolves are Howling

The third frost in succession. 7 degrees air temperature at 4.00pm yesterday when I was baiting up. November ticking away remorselessly. The...

Switching with the Seasons

BALMY DAYS Summer has departed and memories of enjoyable days spent by picturesque lakes,...

Pole Perfection

CUTTING EDGE Much of the science behind modern pole fishing was born on canal...

Lure Fishing with Robbie Northman #44

Ned Success After weeks of referring to my top catchers as “prototype” or “test lure” we have a...

Lure Fishing with Robbie Northman #33

A Start on the Pike With changing weather and time on my hands, it was time to set...

Lure Fishing with Robbie Northman #13

Carp on the Fly and Start to the Bass STARTING THE WEEK WITH CARP ON THE FLY
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