Changing Ways

NUMBER CRUNCHING New products have a habit of creeping into your fishing, until suddenly...

Lure Fishing with Robbie Northman #22

Bass at Extreme Range Alongside summer chub I’ve been back out targeting bass. However, despite amazing clarity, a...

Lure Fishing with Robbie Northman #38

Night Time – Bite Time We're back at that time of year where the days seem unsettlingly short....

The Pellet Feeder

TIME FOR A CHANGE Pellet feeders have been around for a long time, but...

Dave Coster’s Fishing Diary – Best of 2021: The River Wye

RED LIONS I had arranged to meet the Fishing Magic and Thomas Turner teams...

Forgotten Bait

STILL THERE I’ve fished the Old River Nene at Benwick a couple of times...

Passion For Barbel… The Winter Wolves are Howling

The third frost in succession. 7 degrees air temperature at 4.00pm yesterday when I was baiting up. November ticking away remorselessly. The...

Dave Coster’s Fishing Diary – December/January

MURKY DAYS A feature this winter has been heavy frosts and several foggy days...

Lure Fishing with Robbie Northman #33

A Start on the Pike With changing weather and time on my hands, it was time to set...

Slider Ups & Downs

EARLY DAYS A little used method that can be a smooth-running joy to use...
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