Equipment needed

Equipment needed

1. Fly tying vice
2. Fly tying whipping device
3. Black cotton
4. 40lbs Black Amnesia
5. Longshanked Carp Hooks
6. Fly tying head cement/varnish or superglue
7. 3mm Stainless Rig Rings
8. Scissors & a sharp knife

The idea of this rig, is that when / if the carp blows the bait out of its mouth, just the bait comes out and the hook stays in the mouth.The bait, which is attached to the stainless rig ring, slides down the ‘D’ leaving the hook inside the mouth increasing the chance of hooking the fish.

Fig 1

Step 1
Cut a short length of Amnesia about 6cm – 8cm and whip it to the back of the shank of the hook (see Fig 1) making sure it sits just where the bend in the hook starts.

Step 2
Then place the stainless rig ring onto the Amnesia and whip the loose end of the Amnesia to the shank of the hook forming the “D”. (See Fig 2).

Fig 2

Place the loose end through the eye of the hook as this keeps it in place whilst you are whipping it on. When it is secure, trim the loose end of Amnesia off leaving the eye free.

Step 3
Continue whipping the Amnesia to the shank of the hook until it has been completely covered by the cotton thread (see Fig 3).

Tie the thread off and then varnish or glue the whole of the whipping and let it dry.

Fig 3

Step 4
When it is dry, you can then tie of the hook length of your choice. You can also make these hook rigs with smaller shanked carp hooks as I have (see Fig 4).

Fig 4

They are based on the same principle.

This a very cheap way to make ‘D’ rig hooks rather than paying lots of money for them in the shops.

About the Rigs Page

The Rigs Page is a library of features to illustrate all those rigs that will be useful to both beginners and experienced anglers.

The rigs can be extremely simple and well known, or very complicated and little known, it doesn’t matter providing they make some kind of sense and have a really practical application.

It could be a standard running leger rig that a beginner will appreciate seeing in pictures, or a very complicated anti-eject carp rig that the experienced carp angler would like to see.

If you wish to contribute a rig to this section please remember that the emphasis is on illustration rather than words. Good line drawings are fine in the absence of photographs. Please send to