The Angling trust report:

The new region, which will extend from the Northumberland County Council boundary of the River Tweed in the North to the Midway point of the River Tyne in the South, will promote sea angling, work to increase the number of people sea angling and represent the interests of sea anglers in local marine conservation, fisheries management and access issues.  The North East region will now extend from the River Tyne South to, and including, the River Humber.

Northumberland is one of three new marine regions, including Sussex and Cornwall, that the Angling Trust has committed to creating in 2013 with the help of members, member clubs and local volunteers.  All the marine regions of the Angling Trust will in future be aligned with the Inshore Fishery and Conservation Authorities (IFCAs) to enable member clubs, charter boats, tackle shops and individual anglers to contribute to policy decisions that directly affect the fish stocks and fishing in their area.  IFCAs are the principal bodies setting and implementing marine fisheries policy in the regions.

David Mitchell, the Angling Trust’s Marine Campaigns Manager, responsible for setting the new regions up, said:

“Regional structures through which anglers can engage with the Angling Trust are crucial. We invite all sea anglers, clubs and trade members in the new Northumberland Region to join the Angling Trust, if they are not already members, and get involved in creating a strong representative branch of the Angling Trust in Northumberland to support our national work fighting for fish and fishing and promoting the many benefits of angling in all its forms.”