Fishing has been near-impossible over much of the country though some poor souls have had the chance to bag-up in their living-rooms…the misery! The world is crazier than ever, politicians continue to do the opposite of what the people want, wars persist but…hey…there’s a really good chance of a big winter barbel when the water goes down. Thank heaven we’re fishermen!  Thanks, too, to all the FM contributors who have swelled the forums this past year with comments and filled the home pages with some excellent reading. FM has received heartwarming reports of its popularity and friendly nature and is considered by many to be the best fishing website of its kind – long may it continue!


Readers are reminded of FM’s submissions policy: if you have a story, a bone to pick, an observation, something to report…do send it in for everyone’s benefit. It is clear from the quality of comments on ‘forums’ that there’s plenty of writing talent out there and plenty of diverse experience we can all share. Why not make 2016 the year you reflect and put pen to paper (or finger to key)? Include photos. Non-professional, impromptu shots – particularly in black and white – have a certain charm and a quality that brings us closer to the author – and it’s rather nice to see one’s thoughts made manifest.


Best Christmas wishes to all of FM’s readers and a Happy New Year!