Price: £ 6.00

For years I’ve cut my luncheon meat into various sized cubes and torn pieces of flake from a sliced loaf when fishing for specimen fish and never had any reason to do it any other way.

But now there are so many gadgets on the market to do the job more quickly and more easily it’s daft not to use them.

The latest is this specimen-sized luncheon meat punch from Seymo, although for some time I’ve used the smaller lunch-punches from the same company.

You can cut the meat into slices of the thickness you want, place on a flat surface (like the inside of a bait box lid) and then punch out the discs of meat. Or you can leave the meat in a block and punch out a long tube of meat which you can then cut pieces off in varying lengths to suit whatever hair or hook size you may be using or have changed to.

Although it’s called a lunch-punch, and basically aimed at punching out luncheon meat, there is nothing at all to prevent you from using it for punching out all kinds of suitable baits.

I shall definitely be using it to punch out big discs of bread flake when I’m back on the river fishing for chub.


A neat little tool that will have a place in my tackle box whenever meat, bread flake and other punchable (new word that) baits are being used.