How do you fancy being an angling writer? Too hard do you think? Catching fish hard enough without having to write about it?

Nah, it’s easy!

It’s easy because we make it easy for you – well, easier at least! We make it easier by publishing the news, views and reviews of other anglers which we all learn from. The big names all started somewhere, and most of them didn’t have friendly web sites like ours where the news is updated daily. So why not join in the fun and pass on all those little tips and tricks you’ve learned over the years.

And don’t try and tell me you haven’t got a good story or two in your net. Every angler has a good tale to tell, and I don’t mean the proverbial tall story about the one that got away (but we’ll put that online too if it’s interesting!). So come on, share it with us. Tell the world how you caught your latest biggy. Help the next lot of budding anglers to catch more fish.

Were you out yesterday wetting a line? Catch a big one, or had a big catch of smaller ones? Tell us about it then! Share the good news! All you have to do is tell us where (you can be vague here if it’s a secret water), when, and how. Details like bait used, method fished, and how it all came together is what we want to know.

And listen, you don’t have to be in the Charles Dickens class you know. Just string the words together as best you can and we’ll do the rest. That’s what we’re here for after all.

How do you like that rod you’re using? Good is it, or could be better? Tell us about that then. Review the rod, or any other item of tackle, for us. Tell us what you like about it, or what you dislike about it.

All you have to do to submit a news item, article or review to is click on the button on the left hand side of the homepage where it says ‘News’ then click on ‘Add an article’ and fill in the form. If you have any images to go with it just e-mail them to me with a note saying which article they belong to. If you prefer you can e-mail the images and article to me.

No scanner – no problem! Send me the prints, negs or slides by snail mail at this address: 2 Stephens Way, Bignall End, Stoke on Trent ST7 8PL. They’ll be returned safely just as soon as they’re scanned.

So some on, give it a go. After all FISHINGmagic is so popular because it’s your web site, written by you. Real anglers with real news and stories about catching real fish.

And don’t forget, you could win a major prize for the best contribution of the month, kindly donated by Relum Ltd. At the least, contributors of substantial stories will get a top quality FISHINGmagic cap.

Graham Marsden