Krystonite, the line with the fluorocarbon coating

You probably already know that FISHINGmagic launched its new Gallery this week, the place where you can upload your images for all FM’s visitors to admire. A trophy shot of a big fish or a big catch, a fishing scene, tackle, bait, the wildlife you meet while at the waterside – anything you like as long as it’s in the best possible taste(!) – can all be uploaded to your own albums.

Details of the Gallery and a guide to how to use it can be found here.

To celebrate the launch of the Gallery we’re giving away six spools of Kryston’s great new fluoro coated mono, Krystonite, in 12lb bs, worth £ 16.99 a spool.

So come on now, don’t be shy, get clicking and get those images loaded up to the Gallery.

The competition will run until Friday, 8th October, when the editor (that’s me) will cast his eye over the Gallery and pick what he thinks are the six best shots.

Good luck!