Price: £ 4.20 PER PACK OF 8

The Stinger Treble has a corrosion-resistant black chrome finish and is ideal for both fresh and inshore saltwater – either as replacement hooks for smaller profile lures, a ‘stinger’ when bait fishing, or for making snap-tackles for freshwater predator fishing.

Features include round bends, plus three straight Super Needle Points with micro-barbs for wide-gape hooking efficiency.

They come in sizes 1/0, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8.

Harrison Advanced Rods
Phone 0151 7095981
Email rods@rapid.co.uk
Website www.harrisonsrods.co.uk.


Excellent treble hooks that are extremely sharp, strong and well made. I’m currently using them for both pike and zander fishing and since changing to them my successful hook-ups have noticeably increased.

Not yet available in a barbless pattern but it is no problem to flatten two of the barbs with a pair of pliers and still leave a slight nobble for added security.

I can’t say much better than that these hooks are typical Owner quality and it’s difficult to imagine that anyone would be disappointed with them.